Monon Property > Buildings and Bridges

Michigan City yard office


Cully Kowal:
In the spring or summer of 1971, I visited the then Monon "yard office" in Michigan City.  I think the final yard office was a former filling station or retired retail establishment, with a pack-set radio screwed to the floor next to the clerk's desk. I was told that the Monon's track ended across the street.  I think the street was US12 and the track continued southeast connecting to the then Nickel Plate Road.  Old Street maps seem to confirm this. Google Earth shows the former Nickel Plate (Now South Shore ) truncated just before crossing US12.  Can anyone identify exactly where that yard office was located? It appears on google that what was the Monon's track south of the current Amtrak track near the old MC depot has been in rubble for some time.  Cully Kowal


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