Author Topic: PRR French Lick Passenger Service  (Read 2871 times)

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Ron Marquardt

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PRR French Lick Passenger Service
« on: May 09, 2014, 11:02:27 am »
This bit of Monon history from the PRR chatroom.  First indication I've had of the date the PRR service began.  / Ron

May 10, 1903.  The Pennsylvania Railroad begins running a summer-only coach train between Indianapolis and French Lick Springs, a popular Indiana resort. The route runs over the Monon between Gosport and the resort.

Robert Wheeler

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Re: PRR French Lick Passenger Service
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2014, 04:52:32 pm »
To add a little bit more to Ron’s message:
The CI&L issued a new employee Timetable (#6) on May 10, 1903. It has two “new” trains scheduled #9 (from Michigan City to French Lick) and #10 (From French Lick to Lafayette) with times, but no stops indicated, at Gosport Junction. All other scheduled trains do not have times shown there and all First Class Trains had scheduled stops at Gosport. Previously these two schedule numbers ran between Monon and Indianapolis as Second Class “Mixed trains”

The Pennsylvania trains did not have separate schedule numbers (330 and 331) until 1925 (to 1931).
Robert E. Wheeler, PE, Archivist Emeritus
MONHTS Tippecanoe Member #13