Author Topic: 2023-1 E-News & Notes 27 January 2023  (Read 722 times)

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Rick Berg

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2023-1 E-News & Notes 27 January 2023
« on: January 29, 2023, 08:24:15 am »

Monon Railroad Historical-Technical Society
  E-News & Notes Vol. 2023-1
27 January 2023

The Hoosier Line - The November issue of our magazine arrived about a month late.  Our outstanding magazine is produced by White River Productions where all the layout work is performed.  It is then sent to a printer and mailed to us.  The company used for printing purchased a new printer which was set up, only to find electrical gear was missing.  So this delayed production (they are using the old printer and still waiting on electrical components).   Then when the THL was shipped, it hit the [not allowed]mas rush at the Post Office, which of course delayed delivery further.  So to compensate for future printing delays, we have moved up the deadline for submitting articles to WRP by 30 days.  We apologize for the late delivery.  This year expect a 32 page THL in February, May and August.  The November issue will revert back to what has been produced in previous years, a News & Timetable and the 2024 calendar.

Stores Department - Walthers has announced the spring delivery of a Jordan Spreader painted for our Monon Railroad.  The Stores has placed an order for these Jordan Spreaders and we ask you to consider purchasing yours through the Stores Department.   Check our website to see when these are available.   

Mini Convention - Our second annual Mini Convention will be held on Saturday, April 15 at the Salem Depot.  Mont Switzer will present another “Modeling the Monon” clinic and Rick Dreistadt will discuss some of the unusual train movements on the Monon.  Last year we had over 90 persons attend.  See the flyer that appears later in this newsletter for more information.

Annual Convention - The dates for our Annual Convention and Meeting are set for September 29, 30 and October 1.  The location will be in Bedford and will feature the Indiana limestone and the quarry district.

2023 Membership dues - About 75% of our members have renewed their membership for 2023 and we appreciate your prompt payment.  If you have not paid your dues please consider doing so in the near future. For those of you that purchase sustaining, Hoosier, Cecil Smith, Bluegrass and Thoroughbred level memberships, many thanks!  This helps offset the cost of our magazine.  Currently our dues payments only cover the cost of producing The Hoosier Line. 

2023 Board of Directors meetings are scheduled as follows.  Meetings start at 1:00 p.m. and all members are welcome to attend.                                   

  • March 25 at the Salem Depot
  • May 20 at the Monon Connection
  • July 15 at the Salem Depot
  • October 1 at the Downtown Depot in Bedford (this is the Annual Meeting 8:00 a.m.)
  • November 4 at the Salem Depot

From the Archives - Attached to this issue are two documents.  The first is a Monon inspection report from November 1946, shortly after World War II and under the direction of a new President, John W. Barriger.  The second attachment is towards the end of the Monon Railroad.  It is a July 1971 roster of current locomotives just prior to the L&N Merger.  I hope you find these interesting.

• Monon Inspection Report from November 1946 Download

• 1971 Engine Roster Download

The Membership Survey - For those of you that took the time to fill out the survey and return it, thank you.  It gave us some basic information about our members.  We sent out 430 surveys with a stamped self addressed envelope and 160 were returned. I was disappointed that we did not get a better response as it was a short survey.  Here is a brief summary of some of the results.
   Modeling - 80% of our membership are modelers!  We have 10 who model N scale, 130 modeling HO, 3 who model S scale, 7 that model O scale and 1 who models in G scale.  When asked what Monon model would you like to see produced, there was a very wide range of answers.  The Monon wide vision caboose was the most requested model and it is no longer produced and unique to the Monon.  However with 3D printing it may be possible to produce a plastic kit in the future.
   When producing The Hoosier Line magazine this question always comes up, “Should we stick to articles about the Monon up to the merger date of 07-31-1971?”  The survey revealed that 90% of the membership were interested in events or operations after the merger date.  But many made it clear they were not interested in information about CSX!
When asked how to attract new members, the most common answer was “train shows.”  Jamie Stewart and myself have made an effort to represent the society at these events.  We will be at Lebanon IN  January 29 and at Louisville March 18 (Holy Family Parrish, 3938 Poplar Level Road).  We also are present at the Danville and Franklin train shows.  We still need someone to step up and help with Northern Indiana shows.

Jim C

The Monon Society will list classified advertisements in our E-News & Notes as a courtesy to our members wanting to buy, sell or borrow Monon Railroad-related items.  There is no charge and we plan to re-list it until we receive notice that the ad is no longer valid.  Please submit a clear written description of the item you wish to buy, sell or borrow and your contact information. Then mail  it to “Classified ads” at:

Monon Railroad Historical-Technical Society
P.O. Box 91
Salem, IN 47167.

(All personal classified ad business transactions shall take place directly between the buyer and seller with no implied involvement by the Monon Society or its representatives).

For Sale:  Monon Route booklet listing all locomotives, freight, passenger and work equipment cars and locomotive diagrams on the railroad as of July 1, 1937, authored by Don Kaegebein and Robert Schultz.  Spiral-bound, soft cover, 79-page booklet - $25.00 post-paid.  Checks or money orders only.  Order from:

Don Kaegebein
455 Jenna Dr
Munster, IN 46321-4212

For Sale: Monon conductor’s hat badge.  Hard to find item.  $500.00. 
Please contact Richard Hebel at (812) 537-0150 if you are interested.

For Sale:  HO Monon Steam Locomotive Decals/White #101W.  This set includes enough decals to do at least two complete locomotives and tenders.  Types include the 2-8-0, 2-8-2 and 4-8-0 freight locomotives, 4-6-2 passenger locomotives plus many others.  Included is “The Hoosier Line” in late script as used on several of the 2-8-2’s and gallon capacities for all classes of tenders.  The cost is $6.55 each PP.  Thanks, Don Kaegebein.  To order, send your check to:

Donald Kaegebein
455 Jenna Dr
Munster, IN 46321-4212.

For Sale:  Monon HO and N-scale Decals - 1945 - 1971 era.  Please send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to:

Model Railroad Supply
5660 N Quail Ln
Middletown, IN 47356

 or contact

For Sale:  MONON steel switch lock and brass key - old, used.  $160.00 Please contact Richard Hebel at:
812 537-0150 if you are interested. 

Wanted to Borrow:  Wanted to Borrow:  The key to unlock a Monon main line switch lock that I have.  The lock is a Master Lock Co. #19 SBD and measures 1 3/8” thick, 3” wide and 4 1/2” bottom to top of hasp.  The hasp is 9/16” in diameter.  After unlocking the lock and getting the key number, it will be returned to the owner immediately. 
Please contact

Donald Kaegebein
455 Jenna Dr
Munster, IN 46321-4212

 or call (219) 838-0649.

Membership Application Forms

There are two ways to become a new member or renew your membership.

ONLINE:  To join or renew your membership go to

click on Memberships, select the membership you would like and pay online.  While you are there, browse the selection of Monon items now available for purchase.

POSTAL MAIL:  Download the form at:

Print and complete the above form and mail with your remittance to:

Monon Railroad Historical-Technical Society, Inc.
P O Box 91
Salem, IN 47167-0091
« Last Edit: April 11, 2023, 10:20:23 pm by Rick Berg »