Author Topic: 2023-2 E-News & Notes 9 April 2023  (Read 631 times)

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Rick Berg

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2023-2 E-News & Notes 9 April 2023
« on: April 11, 2023, 10:46:39 pm »

Monon Railroad Historical-Technical Society
  E-News & Notes Vol. 2023-2
9 April 2023

The Stores Department - Has received a shipment of the new Walthers MONON Jordan Spreaders and the new Accurail MONON cement hoppers. The Jordan Spreaders retail for $99.00 and the ACF cement hoppers are $20.00.  Both can be ordered through the Stores online at or if you are attending the Mini-convention this coming Saturday, April 15 at the Salem Depot, you can pick one up and save shipping cost!  Look for an upcoming article from modeling expert Mont Switzer in The Hoosier Line detailing how to make the Jordan Spreaders correct for our favorite railroad!

South end news - The removal of the rails and cross ties started in New Albany last month and has moved quickly north.  On March 25 the rails had been removed to Orleans and the remainder of the rails to Yockey were removed the following week (Bedford to Yockey was removed in 2022).  The roadbed will be converted to “rails to trails” for public use making it the longest trail within the state.

North end news - On a more positive note, part of the former Michigan City branch roadbed has been rebuilt and relayed through Hammond as part of a planned commuter line.

The Hoosier Line - I received my February edition of The Hoosier Line this past week and hopefully you have too.   We learned last fall from our publisher, White River Productions, that once the magazine is sent to the printer, the turn around time had increased from a few days to several weeks.  The editorial staff worked hard to have everything submitted so that our February THL would be delivered on time.  When I checked last month to see when we could expect delivery, I learned that due to an oversight, our magazine had not been sent to the printer, resulting in the delivery delay.  I apologize for the delivery delay of the February issue.  The May issue has been submitted and will be back on schedule.

Submission Practices for The Hoosier Line Articles - One of the attachments for this edition of the E-New is a “Submission Practices for The Hoosier Line Articles.”  So if you are considering writing an article please follow the guidelines suggested.  It will make the editorial staff’s job a little easier.

Download the forms here:

From the Archives - Attachments this edition are Seniority Rosters for Engineers, Firemen and Hostlers from 1953, 1956 and 1969. Two additional attachments are lettering cards.  In 1956 the CI&L officially changed the corporate name to the Monon Railroad, so the scan for the flat car, gon and hopper car, detail replacing the reporting marks. The lettering diagram for the 50 foot double door box car is also from 1956. Hopefully these will benefit our modelers.   We have the late Ron Marquardt to thank for these lettering diagrams.

Download the forms here:

Jim C

The Monon Society will list classified advertisements in our E-News & Notes as a courtesy to our members wanting to buy, sell or borrow Monon Railroad-related items.  There is no charge and we plan to re-list it until we receive notice that the ad is no longer valid.  Please submit a clear written description of the item you wish to buy, sell or borrow and your contact information.
Then mail  it to “Classified ads” at:

Monon Railroad Historical-Technical Society
P.O. Box 91
Salem, IN 47167.

(All personal classified ad business transactions shall take place directly between the buyer and seller with no implied involvement by the Monon Society or its representatives).

For Sale:  Monon Route booklet listing all locomotives, freight, passenger and work equipment cars and locomotive diagrams on the railroad as of July 1, 1937, authored by Don Kaegebein and Robert Schultz.  Spiral-bound, soft cover, 79-page booklet - $25.00 post-paid.  Checks or money orders only.  Order from:

Don Kaegebein
455 Jenna Dr
Munster, IN 46321-4212

For Sale: Monon conductor’s hat badge.  Hard to find item.  $500.00. 
Please contact Richard Hebel at (812) 537-0150 if you are interested.

For Sale:  HO Monon Steam Locomotive Decals/White #101W.  This set includes enough decals to do at least two complete locomotives and tenders.  Types include the 2-8-0, 2-8-2 and 4-8-0 freight locomotives, 4-6-2 passenger locomotives plus many others.  Included is “The Hoosier Line” in late script as used on several of the 2-8-2’s and gallon capacities for all classes of tenders.  The cost is $6.55 each PP.  Thanks, Don Kaegebein.  To order, send your check to:

Donald Kaegebein
455 Jenna Dr
Munster, IN 46321-4212.

For Sale:  Monon HO and N-scale Decals - 1945 - 1971 era.  Please send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to:

Model Railroad Supply
5660 N Quail Ln
Middletown, IN 47356

 or contact

For Sale:  MONON steel switch lock and brass key - old, used.  $160.00 Please contact Richard Hebel at:
812 537-0150 if you are interested. 

Wanted to Borrow:  Wanted to Borrow:  The key to unlock a Monon main line switch lock that I have.  The lock is a Master Lock Co. #19 SBD and measures 1 3/8” thick, 3” wide and 4 1/2” bottom to top of hasp.  The hasp is 9/16” in diameter.  After unlocking the lock and getting the key number, it will be returned to the owner immediately. 
Please contact

Donald Kaegebein
455 Jenna Dr
Munster, IN 46321-4212

 or call (219) 838-0649.

Membership Application Forms

There are two ways to become a new member or renew your membership.

ONLINE:  To join or renew your membership go to

click on Memberships, select the membership you would like and pay online.  While you are there, browse the selection of Monon items now available for purchase.

POSTAL MAIL:  Download the form at:

Print and complete the above form and mail with your remittance to:

Monon Railroad Historical-Technical Society, Inc.
P O Box 91
Salem, IN 47167-0091
« Last Edit: April 11, 2023, 11:06:30 pm by Rick Berg »