Author Topic: 2025-1 E-News & Notes 29 January 2025  (Read 54 times)

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Rick Berg

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2025-1 E-News & Notes 29 January 2025
« on: January 31, 2025, 03:02:20 am »

Monon Railroad Historical-Technical Society
E-News & Notes Vol. 2025-1
29 January 2025

Greetings! This year we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Monon Railroad Historical-Technical Society!! Ron Simunic (who is one of the original members from 1975) is in the middle stages of putting together a great MONON weekend for our Annual Convention. The dates are September 26-28 at our “World Headquarters” in Salem, Indiana. Mark your calendars!

March 15 is our FOURTH ANNUAL MINI CONVENTION in Salem, and it promises to be another great event. The yard sale is from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Presentations start at 10:00 a.m. and continue throughout the day. Rick Dreistadt dispatched for the Monon, L&N and CSX and will explain dispatching to protect section crews, lineups on the Monon, manual block and CTC. He will also answer any questions you may have. Seth Lakin will show us how to detail a Proto 2000 BL-2 for the Monon, and Mont Switzer will lead a discussion of Monon images from his vast collection. Don Toon will share the Monon photography of the late J. David Ingles collection that was donated to the society. Dave Morrison will present “The Monon in Monroe County Part 2” and will also discuss the many limestone quarries served by the Monon. It will be a fun day, so plan to attend! A dollar gets you in! The address for the Salem Depot is 206 South College Avenue.

One part of our job as volunteers that we do not like is having to ask members to pay their dues. As of today we still have 64 members from last year, who have not paid their dues. If you are one of the 64, please send in your dues for 2025. We produce 4 great issues of The Hoosier Line magazine and a great calendar, so don’t miss out!

If you have not checked out the Lake States Railway Historical Association’s offering of railroad photography, take a few minutes and see what Monon photos they have on their website, It is a great resource. One of our members, Mark Johnson, recently made a donation to purchase Monon photos from their vast collection to add to our photo archives. Many thanks to Mark for his generosity.

The late Dale Ward was a strong supporter of our organization, and his daughter, Nikki Wireman, is continuing in his footsteps. MRHTS members in good standing can now tour the Monon Connection Museum free of charge! If you have never been there, you need to put it on your bucket list! If you have been there, you most likely overlooked some of the many Monon items in the collection. You can easily spend a day there viewing the vast collection. Their website is .

We still have a few of the 2025 calendars left featuring the photography of Charles Herley. They can be ordered through the company store or by contacting me,

Attached are pdfs from the archives of the Indianapolis freight station!           

 Jim Craig


1. PDF's from the archives of the Indianapolis freight station!       
  CI&L 1942 freight house track and Kingan Co

2. A 1951 Shrine Special train move over the Monon.
  Indianapolis Freight House Team Tracks

Membership Application Form

There are two ways to become a new member or renew your membership.

ONLINE: To join or renew your membership go to

click on Memberships, select the membership you would like and pay online.  While you are there, browse the selection of Monon items now available for purchase.

POSTAL MAIL:  Download the form at:

Print and complete the above form and mail with your remittance to:

Monon Railroad Historical-Technical Society, Inc.
P O Box 91
Salem, IN 47167-0091

Download the 25-1 E-News PDF:

« Last Edit: January 31, 2025, 03:55:44 am by Rick Berg »